Food scraps diverted since June 2020
178,518 lbs

Full Circle
Bioconversion LLC
Using one of nature's most voracious decomposers -- Black Soldier Fly Larvae -- we divert food resources from the landfill and convert it into beneficial products and sequester carbon because: Circles > Straight Lines

Wait, what?
Although there are a few options for diverting organics from the landfill, none compare to the speed and efficiency of black soldier fly larvae! They can reduce the volume of incoming material 50-80%, and they do it in a smaller footprint, creating several products in the process: larvae, larvae manure aka "frass" and compost. And while traditional aerobic compost will release carbon into the atmosphere, BSFL convert carbon into edible proteins and oils --
a truly valuable bioconversion system!
But, why?
Every day, 150,000 tons of food are thrown away in the U.S. It is in our best interest to 1) lower that number, and 2) divert as much as possible back into the soil. Your old food becomes the food for your future food.